I think this will be the final entry until I (I hope) resume the Camino de Santiago de Compostela next summer. It is obvious that my injured leg will not be well enough for me to continue the Camino this year. I fly back to Phoenix in four days. It is my hope, however, to continue both the Camino and the blog describing it in 2015.
I walked up into the main part of town today. Just in case some think that all of Córdova is made up of narrow, medieval streets like the section of town I am staying, I assure you that most of Córdova ids as modern as any other western city.
This is a picture of the northbound lanes of the main street connecting the southern portion of the city, where I am staying, with the city center. I took the picture on Saturday morning, so there was little traffic. There is an equally wide southbound section to the left hidden by a strip park. Notice the bicycle lane on the right. It is both wide and separated from the motor vehicles.
The city's railroad tracks are underground, and the picture below shows the park that covers them. It also contains wide bicycle lanes in both directions and runs east to west.