Thursday, August 07, 2014

August 7, 2014 -- García Lorca, Granada, Spain

After some initial improvement in the first week, my left leg muscles (or tendons, perhaps) and right big toe are not improving much. I assume the problem is that I keep walking on them, but I am not a person who can sit around without getting exercise. To add insult to injury, it feels as if I may be catching a cold.

Today I walked to what was once the summer house of Frederico García Lorca. I suspect that only my fellow literature wonks will have heard of him, but he was a famous Spanish playwright and poet who was killed during the Spanish Civil War, the war that brought Francisco Franco to power. Perhaps his best-known work is the play The House of Bernada Alba, which is sometimes performed in English.

The house is now a small museum. You have to go through it with a guide in a group, and no photographs are allowed inside, so the only pictures I have are of the outside of the house. It was once located in an orchard, but now the orchard is a large city park.

Among the things I was able to see inside was the desk at which García Lorca is said to have written many of his works.

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