Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 31, 2011 -- Paris

The most distressing thing to me about the robbery of my money is that no one did a thing about getting the money back, even though the guy was still here. It was explained to me that in such cases the police don't send an officer out to question the guy on the spot. The case details are entered into a computer, and the case will eventually be assigned to an investigating officer. Of course, now the guy is gone, and by the time the police get around to investigating, I will be gone, too.

France is the most bureaucratic country I know. Everything is done on the basis of shuffling papers, although today it's more of a matter of shuffling electronic documents on a computer system, with multiple printouts of everything, of course.

At least explaining what happened over and over gave me quite a bit of practice in speaking French. Even getting robbed can have its upside. :)

Since yesterday morning the weather has been warmer. T-shirt temperatures begin before noon, and this morning there is not a cloud in the sky. I wouldn't call it proper summer weather, but it's certainly better than the cold, gloomy weather that has marked this trip so far. Despite having been robbed, the sunny weather yesterday lifted my spirits.

Today I'm off to see some new sights, if I can do so with a minimum of walking. The worst thing about having to baby this injured leg is the lack of exercise. Spending so much time sitting around without much physical exertion has me climbing the walls.

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