Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014 -- Crippled in Redecilla

I woke up this morning with a sore left knee, and I knew I wasn't going to walk very far on it. I was limping, and every step was painful. Unlike many of the others I have been hiking with, I never had as much as a a blister, let alone serious leg problems. I hobbled along for about ten kilometers, just more than six miles, then I stopped here in Redecilla, even though it was only mid-morning.

I think you can see in the following photograph how my left knee and the area above the knee are swollen compared with the right leg.

I'm taking ibuprofen, and I'm trying not to walk too much. I don't want to stop completely, but I plan to spend the next few days walking only a few miles in the early morning and then sitting around and reading the rest of the day until this leg starts to heal. I seldom have leg problems, bit when I do, it always seems to be the left leg that is affected.

I sat at a sidewalk cafe after deciding to stop, and many of the people with whom I have been sharing the Camino the past days, and even weeks, came walking by. I think I saw them for the last time, because I will now fall several days behind. However, I know that some of them check this blog from time to time, and I hope that they will someday get back in touch

By the way, I have564 kilometers or 350.5 miles ywt to walk until I reach Santiago de Compostela.That sounds better than the 490 miles that were ahead of me when I started this hike more than two weeks ago.

I did pass a milestone today. I crossed from the region of La Rioja into Castilla y León. Here's the sign that greated me at the border.

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