Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014 -- Burgos, Spain

I had been told that Burgos is an unattractive industrial city, but I have found most parts of the city to be very attractive. 

I walked 19.5 kilometers or 12.3 miles to get here today, and by the end my left leg was complaining and starting to swell again. The weather was quite chilly and windy when I started out, and if the path hadn't started uphill almost from the start, I would have needed my jacket. It's amazing the amount of body heat one can generate while lugging a backpack uphill.

The scenic part was near the beginning, when it was still too dark to see much (I was on the trail well before sunup).  The later half was through the suburbs of Burgos and then through Burgos itself. 

The hostel is a huge seven-story building with hundreds of beds arranged on each floor in cubicles. My cubicle has four beds, and I believe most of the others are the same.

The neighboring cathedral is a beautiful ornate building. I have only seen the outside, because during the day you had to buy a ticket to get in. There was a pilgrim's mass inside a while ago, but I missed it and thereby may have also missed my chance to see the inside of the cathedral for free.

The following photo shows as much of the outside as I could get in the shot using the primitive camera app on my cell phone.

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